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Wealth for Women

It is estimated that women control 80-90% of the overall American family budget. Yet Wall Street has historically failed to speak directly to this critical group of decision makers and family stewards.  Diane and Richard recognize the important role of women as family CFOs.

Women's Lifestyle Conference

In 2016 Diane held her first Women’s Lifestyle Conference as a way to connect, honor, and learn from a network of extraordinary women.  Each year the event highlights inspirational  and impactful work through Grow, Achieve, and Give Back Awards.

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Our Resources

While men and women often share the same financial goals, that’s not always the whole story. If you’ve ever left the workforce to raise a family, cared for a sick or aging family member or suddenly found yourself single following a divorce or the death of a spouse, you know how a life event people experience every day can have a profound – and often disproportionate – impact on your financial health. The topics shared here are intended to serve as a resource – so you have the information and insight you need to make smart, informed decisions about your financial future.

<h3>Retire with Confidence</h3>

Retire with Confidence

Everything you need to know about retirement so you can retire with confidence.

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<h3>HER View From Here</h3>

HER View From Here

Podcast series of career insights from women in financial services.

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<h2 data-section-id="4" data-box-id="1" data-box-type="title">How To Organize Your Financial Life</h2>

How To Organize Your Financial Life

Keeping your financial documents organized might feel like a chore, but it can be a lifesaver in an emergency.

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<h2 data-section-id="4" data-box-id="2" data-box-type="title">Inside the Gender Wage Gap</h2>

Inside the Gender Wage Gap

Women make 82 cents for every dollar earned by men. Here’s how – and why - that happens.

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<h2 data-section-id="4" data-box-id="3" data-box-type="title">What Women Need to Know About Social Security</h2>

What Women Need to Know About Social Security

Tips for women looking to maximize their Social Security benefits.

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